Fält Communications AB
Company Description
Fält Communications AB provides Internet of things solutions for various companies in Sweden and internationally. The company offers MIIPS Open IoT Platform that include a MIIPS C Unit mobile IP server, cloud servers, control portal, and Backoffice that controls, monitors, or analyzes machines, buildings, and systems over the Internet; and applications for various applications in public transportation, vehicles, and buildings ecosystem, such as asset management, breathalyzer, camera surveillance, digital signs, driver safety, eco-driving, eco-evaluation, positioning, infotainment, Internet onboard, message push, speed alert, VoIP, tachograph data manager, passenger count, and driver identification. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Umeå, Sweden. As of February 1, 2017, Fält Communications AB operates as a subsidiary of Telia Company AB (publ).
Year established:
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